Space Dimension Controller: Temporary Thrillz

Space Dimension Controller has already caused a fuss on the underground with his ‘Love Quadrant’ (Kinnego) and ‘Journey To The Unknown Sphere’ (Royal Oak) releases…does he follow with similar quality?

Here at disconnected we try to avoid jumping on the latest bandwagon, but in Jack Hamil’s case jump we must. We are big fans of his previous release, The Love Quadrant, and we awaited this release eagerly.

And when it dropped through the letter box on Tuesday morning it was out of the sleeve and spinning within seconds. I sat back, and was blown away for a full 35 minutes for timeless cosmic funk (or whatever new genre you wish to try and pigeon hole his work with). In a digital age this release is proof, if it were needed, analogue is still alive and kicking. The sound throbs, breaths, grows, decays, twists, and turns with a life of its own.

Mercurial Attraction starts the album off at a relaxed pace, meandering along to the sound of birds singing on a warm spring morning, before building into that signature synth sound that you will instantly recognize as Space Dimension Controller. Continuing in the same mold is Kaleidoscope Ecstasy, groovy and percussive, with a beautifully heartfelt vocal exchange. Disc A is completed by 2EZ, another slice of analogue beauty, I love how he plays with the vocals again.

Transatlantic Landing Bay takes us up a notion in tempo, listening to it I’m imaging some far off disco in the sky, full of aliens jiving along to the infectious funk. This track is the perfect remedy for a party that has failed to ignite. The albums title track moves us forward again, ‘Temporary Thrillz’ makes use of skippy highs that move from bar to bar with some urgency. We are starting to motor now, chugging along on our intergalactic freight train. After this high we come floating back down to Earth through the cloud like the sounds of ‘Simmering Emotion’ where vocals and synths share space over gorgeously smooth, low slung beats.


Journey complete, I make a cuppa, and listen again.

For more info take a look at the Space Dimension Controller MySpace page.

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Posted on by chris

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